Tuesday, 4 March 2014

China Mineral Acid Industry Report, 2013-2017 by SinoMarketIndustry at Analyzefuture.com

China Mineral Acid Industry Report, 2013-2017 of Sino Market Insight forecasts that by 2017, China’s mineral acid industry will harvest operating revenue of RMB94.4 billion.

In January-December 2012, China’s mineral acid manufacturing realized operating revenue of RMB90.4 billion and total profit of RMB5.382 billion. Mineral acid mainly includes sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, etc., of which, sulfuric acid boasts the largest consumption, with domestic apparent consumption up to 77.33 million tons in 2012; followed by hydrochloric acid with 8.77 million tons and nitric acid with 2.66 million tons.

The future mineral acid industry will face pressure from eliminating backward production capacity and promoting optimization and upgrading of industrial structure; on the other hand, in policy, the National Twelfth Five-Year Development Plan says it will continue to bolster the development of chemical raw materials industry, which will bring some opportunities to the progression of China’s mineral acid industry. Therefore, for years to come, China’s mineral acid industry will give priority to structural adjustment, accompanied by low-speed growth.

This report mainly contains six chapters and 160 charts, covering the overall market size, revenue and profit of mineral acid industry in China.


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