Wednesday, 9 April 2014

“China Tourism Industry Report, 2012-2014” is published by SinoMarketInsight at Analyzefuture

China Tourism Industry Report, 2012-2014 of SinoMarketInsight forecasts that in 2014 the revenue of China’s tourism industry from domestic tourism will reach RMB 2.92137 trillion, accompanied by a compound growth rate of 18% during 2011-2014. 

In the first half of 2012, cumulative number of China’s domestic tourism climbed 14.6% YoY to 1.55 billion person-times, an increase of two percentage points over the same period last year; inbound tourists across the country amounted to 65.8878 million person-times, down 0.58% YoY, of which, the number of inbound tourists in April saw a year-on-year decline of 3.97%, hitting a new record low growth rate of tourist arrivals since 2010. 

In this period, from a regional perspective, Guangdong Province still received the most inbound tourists, up to 14.738 million person-times, a year-on-year increase of 3.93 percentage points, on account of being adjacent to Hong Kong, which contributed 61.4% of the number. With respect to the source distribution, tourists from South Korea, Japan, the United States and Russia occupied the first four positions as usual, maintaining the neighboring tourists-dominant pattern. 

Table Of Contents:
1. Overview of Tourism Industry
1.1 Definition
1.2 Features
1.3 Laws, Regulations and Policies
2. China’s Macroeconomic Environment in 2011-H1 2012
2.1 China's GDP
2.2 Fixed Asset Investment
2.3 Industrial Development
3. Development of China Tourism Industry
3.1 Overview
3.2 Inbound Tourism
3.3 Domestic Tourism
4. Development of Travel Agencies in China
5. Scenic Spots in China

List of Figures:
-GDP in China, 2001-2012
-YoY Growth of GDP in China, 2009-2013
-China’s Urban Fixed Asset Investment, 2002-2012
-Number of China’s Urban and Rural Tourists, 2006-2011
-Number of Inbound Tourists Received by China, 2011-2014E
-Number of Arrivals to China by Country, 2006-Jun 2012
-Number of Travel Agencies in China, 2011-2014E


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