Saturday, 17 May 2014

Global Male Infertility Market (Techniques and Geography) published at Analyze Future

The male infertility market is expected to grow to $301.5 million by 2020 with a CAGR of 5% during 2014-2020. Male infertility is defined as the inability of a male to impregnate his female partner after a year of unprotected intercourse. 20% of the total infertility is due to male factors. The major factors driving the male infertility market are the change in lifestyle, increasing age, environmental effects, etc., and these factors are majorly contributing to the rise in male infertility levels.

The major limitation experienced in the male infertility market is due to repeated treatment failures leading to an emotional impact on the patient. The repeated failures would compel most patients to discontinue the treatment. The other limitation is the social taboo. Out of 32-40% infertile men, only 15% of the men opt for the treatment for infertility due to the embarrassment, guilt, etc.

Factors that would drive the male infertility market are:
-Male Infertility Semen Analysis Techniques Market Analysis
-Male Infertility Geographic Market Analysis
-Competitive Landscape
-High Level Analysis

Table Of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Executive Summary
3. Market Sizing
4. Considerations And Process – Male Infertility & Ivf Treatment
5. Semen Analysis Techniques – Market Size And Analysis
6. Global Male Infertility Market By Geography
7. Company Profiles

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